Indiana Montessori Academy
2nd Plane of Development

Indiana Montessori Academy • April 15, 2024

"From birth to six is a time with special characteristics, which are very different from those belonging to the period from six to twelve – so different that we can say the child has two different lives: one finishes at six and another one begins. It is like a second birth."


Maria Montessori noted that children pass from the first plane of development and into the second around 6 years of age.  The second plane of development ranges from age 6 and continues to 12 years of age.  This is often a fun plane to observe as the children's growth is huge! Characteristics of this plane include imagination, abstract thought, peer and social awareness and emphasis on fairness and moral values.

Children in this phase of development dive into big works that involve peer collaboration.  The Montessori lower elementary level includes class discussions and problem solving within the classroom community as a whole. The concept of fairness and morals come into play as the children learn to interact with one another on a different level. 

It is during this phase that the child asks questions that extended beyond the "why", but now include the "how".  Children dive into learning facts and absorbing more information than ever before. Now that they understand the realities of life better, they begin to understand fantasy as part of their imagination.

There's also a notable difference in the physical development of the child during the second plane.  They typically begin losing teeth and their bodies become leaner.  It is during this phase that children often report of "growing pains".  The second plane child typically becomes messy and somewhat disorganized.  The order and neatness that was common during the first plane has all but gone as the elementary child forgets to wash their hands or organize their work. 

Overall, children in the second plane of development have tremendous growth both physically and mentally.  It's fun to watch their imaginations take off and impressive to see all the facts they can memorize.  So when your child comes home, forgets their routine and is sloppy in appearance, remember it's all typical!

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