"We may define a scientist as one who during the course of an experiment has perceived something that leads to a further investigation of the profound truths of life and has lifted the veil which hid its fascinating secrets, and who, in the pursuit of this knowledge, has felt so passionate a love for the mysteries of nature that he forgets himself."
How do we incorporate the sciences into the Montessori primary classrooms? Some ideas and thoughts related to science can be a bit abstract for the youngest child. The idea of space and time isn't something they are really able to comprehend as their brains still function in the concrete. Abstract concepts and thoughts will come later for the child. Many Montessori classroom incorporate science and culture into the Sensorial area as these subjects cross over into multiple disciplines. Much like a scientist, the children are observing, categorizing and taking notes (even if only in their heads!).
Science in the primary classroom involves exploration of the way the real world works while using concrete materials. You might find a lesson on Magnets, objects that Sink and Float or how Baking Soda and Vinegar react. These lessons are simple and prepared for the youngest child to experiment, observe and explore.
In addition to the science experiments, you will find the classroom has prepared material for the study of botany and zoology. These materials will cross over with the language area of the room as children are enriching their vocabulary and classifying animals, plants and parts thereof. Children will classify items into living and non living or discover that parts of the flower include the corolla, calyx, stamens and pistil.
Although there are many materials that one could categorize as science, characteristics of science work is happening all the time, throughout every work. Children are observing the directress giving a lesson, "experimenting" on their own, taking account of their own work and trying again if needed! They are already little scientists!